break your budget

about break your budget

After years working in Finance, Michela Allocca of Break Your Budget noticed her friends, family, and colleagues were all approaching her with questions about common personal finance concepts. Whether it be how to open a 401k, create  a budget, and even which accounts types to open - Michela became their go-to resource to learn more about financial practices. This is where Break Your Budget was born.

Michela started Break Your Budget as a spending diary - a way to hold herself accountable to her financial goals while simultaneously showcasing the day-to-day financial decisions she was making as a young professional.  Break Your Budget soon became a platform to teach, help, and inspire others to navigate that ~weird~ time after college where you're still figuring out how to manage a salary in a way that allows you to live your life and reach your goals!

β€œWe found Michela on Instagram when searching around for personal finance creators and we were immediately hooked on her content! Michela shares so many of the same values and goals as onomy to empower young adults, so we knew we had to work together. When we were deciding what to create together, Michela showed us her money mapping process and it simplified everything about managing your finances – so we can’t wait to share it with the onomy community!”

- Raimee, onomy head of content
A note from team onomy